Information Technology Sector

The tasks and functions of the sector are:

– Software and technical support of the activities of the Constitutional Court;
– introduction to the Constitutional Court modern computer equipment, communication media, information technology;
– technical support of the official web site;
– provides video recording and broadcasting of public sessions;
– provides the functioning of the system of electronic document management.

Kunduzbek Turganov


Head of the sector
Born on March 17, 1981 in Naryn region.
In 2000, graduated from the Bishkek Automobile and Road Technical College named after K. Kolbaev in the field of Maintenance and repair of household radio-electronic devices.
In 2005, graduated from KSUCTA with a degree in evaluation and management of property
In 2015, entered the KSUCTA named after N.Ivanov with a degree in Highways and Airfields.
In 2018, graduated the Institute of Magistracy of KSUCTA named after N.Ivanov in the specialty “Land Management and Cadastre”
In 2023, graduated the Institute of Innovative Professions in the specialty “Computer Science and Computer Engineering”.

[2000-2001] Computer lab laboratory assistant;
[2001-2009] Senior lab tech., Engineer of the 1st category of the Computer Technology Center;
[2009-2019] Lecturer, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Cadastre;
[2013-2019] Deputy Director for Educational Work;
[2019-2020] Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic, Consultant of the information technology Sector;
[2020-2023] Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management, Economics and Cadastre;
[09.2023] Constitutional Court of the Kyrgyz Republic, Acting Head of the Information Technology Sector.

Phone number:+996 312 66-01-44