Department of Personnel Management and Documentation Support


Tasks and functions of the Department are:
– provides internal and external, including electronic document management, clerical work;
– provides storage of considered cases in established order;
– provides the translation of the judicial acts of the Constitutional Court and other documents into the state and official languages, as well as their internal consistency and authenticity;
– provides the maintenance of personnel issues, including the organization of competition for vacant administrative public positions;
– maintenance of the automated system “Kadry”;
– represents on behalf of the President and Secretary General the interests of the Constitutional Court in the courts of general jurisdiction;
– on behalf of the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court conducts reception of visitors on issues not related to constitutional proceedings;
– introduces proposal on the activities of the department for amending to the draft work plan of the Constitutional Court for the relevant year;
– keeps measures to ensure the secrecy regime in the Constitutional Court and the management of documents with the signature “official use”;
– provides storage of seals and stamps of the Constitutional Court.


Head of department
Born on July 16, 1991 in Bishkek. In 2014, graduated from the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University” Kazan, with a degree in State and Municipal Management.
Since March 2024 – Apparatus of the Constitutional Court of the Kyrgyz Republic, Head of the Department of Personnel Management and Documentation Support.
2022-2024 – Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, Head of the Human Resources Department.
2016-2022 – State Personnel Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, Chief Specialist of Human Resources Management and Records Management Department;
2015-2016 – State Personnel Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, Specialist of Human Resources Management and Office Administration Department;
2014-2015 – State Personnel Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, Specialist of the Information-Analytical Operation and Development Department.
Professional development:
2023 – Capacity building for Government HR Management in Kyrgyzstan;
2022г. – Improvement of Recruitment and Selection System of civil service in the Kyrgyz Republic;
2020г. – Coordination Council of the Republican Association of HR Managers (Astana).
Best HR practices of civil service: the experience of Belgium;
2019г. – Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Course on the topic “Creating an Inclusive Environment for Persons with Disabilities in the State Civil Service and Municipal Service”;
2018г. – People’s Republic of China Advanced training within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” program;
2015-2016. – University of Central Asia “Public Policy Analysis”.


Phone number: (0 312) 62-20-71
